Terms and Conditions
All prices are quoted in Danish kroner (DKK) and are inclusive of VAT. We reserve the right at any time to correct any errors in pricing. When paying online you may use any credit card accepted by PayPal.
To pay online you need to register with your name, address, phone number and e-mail. Your information is shared only with Viking Cats and will not be sold or given to any third parties.
How to pay:
- Chose the service you wish to pay for (membership fees, entry fees)
- Click “Pay Now” and you will see a login to PayPal. If you have a PalPal account, you may enter your username and password and pay from your account. If you don’t have a PayPal account, simply enter your personal details and your credit card details and pay as a PayPal guest.
- After your payment your order is sent to Viking Cats. If you leave PayPal before your transaction is finished, your payment will not go through.
- Once your payment is complete you will get a confirmation and a receipt on screen, as well as an e-mail confirming your payment. The club will also send a confirmation once your payment is registered by the club. If this was your first time paying for a membership, your details are registered and you will be registered as a new user on our web site. If you were renewing your membership, you may log in using the username and password that were sent to you when you first joined the club.
Validity of fees
Your membership is valid through December 31 of the year your joined. If you join the club later than November 15, your membership will be valid for the following year as well. Memberships may be suspended in case of violations of the club’s By-Laws and Rules of Ethics.
Show entry fees are only valid for the show for which they were paid. Please note that all entry fees are non-refundable, except in case of cancellation of the show.
Payment and safety
You can pay with all credit cards accepted by PayPal. Your payment is handled on a secure SSL server (Secure Socket Layer), and your credit card information will be encrypted and will not be made known to the web shop or any other parties..
Viking Cats’ web shop empoys cookies, which are small pieces of data that are stored in your web browser. They are designed to remember you when you’re logged in, so you don’t have to log in to add a new item to your shopping basket. Our cookies are temporary and are deleted automatically once you shut down your web browser.
Viking Cats
Tomsgaardsvej 9, 2.TV
DK-2400 Copenhagen NV
CVR 31677998
E-mail: formand@viking-cats.dk
These Terms and Conditions were updated January 2013.