Welcome to Viking Cats
A danish cat club associated to The International Cat Association, TICA.
Every feline fancier is very welcome as a member of Viking Cats, no matter if you’re a cat breeder or a cat owner, and no matter if you have purebred cats or HHP’s. Viking cats is for everyone!
Viking Cats puts on 2-3 Allbreed and HHP Cat Shows each year. TICA shows are very different compared to the traditional European show formats, and we think it’s a lot of fun. You don’t have to be a member of our club to show your cat, and your cat doesn’t need to be registered with TICA, so there’s really no reason why you shouldn’t try a TICA show. Except, of course, that you might get hooked.
We also offer membership meetings, courses, seminars, raffles and parties – great ways to learn more, to make new friends and to have fun.
TICA truly is about Fabulous Felines, Fun and Friendships!