18.-18. May 2024 – 12 rings ( 6 Allbreed and 6 Specialty)
Hotel Vadehavet
Havnebyvej 119
6792 Rømø
Tomoko Vlach (SP/AB/SP)
Jane Allen (UK) – (AB/SP/AB)
Amy Stadter (D) – (SP/AB/AB)
Maria Bunina (UK) – (AB/SP/SP)

NB: Max 125 cats. (room for 30 double cages)
Catalog close 13th of May 2024 or when capacity is reached.
Show manager, entry clerk and/or sponsors & vendors, please contact vikingcatstica@gmail.com
Opening Hours:
Vetting in and check-in 08:30-09:30 on saturday.
No cat is allowed to leave the show before all judges are done with their judging without permission of the show manager.
Introduction for new exhibitors will be held Saturday at 09:45.
Saturday the show starts at 10.00, sunday we start at 09.00 and the show should be over around 14.00.
More info follow. The club will be in charge of booking at the showhotel. You can also book other place on Rømø.
Show Dinner
More information later.
Going back to School – Summercamp
Ring sponsors
Ring sponsorships are warmly welcome! Send a mail to vikingcatstica@gmail.com for more information.
Ad in catalog
Fullpage 350 DKK, halfpage 200 DKK.
Fullpage 950 DKK, halfpage 550 DKK.
Entry fees
Please see below for fees and more information.
Show fees
Please pay at the entry, pay with paypal or make a bank transfer. Follow instructions on confirmation email. Remember your receipt at check in. Entry fees are non-refundable and must be paid, regardless if the cat fails to bench. Remember, a placeholder is also an entry.
Clerks og stewards
We need clerks and stewards. Please contact vikingcatstica@gmail.com , if you would like to clerk. Thank you!
Vetting in
All cats/kittens entering the show hall must be inoculated against Panleukopenia, Rhinotrachitis and Calici virus. Vaccinations must be at least 14 days old and not older than 1 year, unless your vet has written another date in the passport. Please clip claws (front and back) prior to benching. Any cat/kitten showing signs of contagious illness, ear mites, fleas or fungus will be removed from the show hall, as well as any other cats/kittens exhibiting from the same household. Please note that under the European Convention for the Protection of Pet Animals, we cannot accept entries that have been non-curatively surgically altered except to prevent reproduction.
Cats and kittens
Kittens must be 4 months old to enter competition. Cats that are 8 months or older will compete as adults or alters. HHPs 8 months or older must show proof of altering. Any cat which is obviously pregnant or lactating will be disqualified.
With the exceptions of Preliminary New Breed and Advanced New Breed entries, registration with TICA is not necessary to compete in a cat’s first show.
Litter, cat food and human food
There will NOT be provided cat food and litter for the cats. Remember to bring what you need. Remember litter box, food and water bowls, etc. for the cats.
More info follow.
TICA show rules
TICA show rules will be strictly enforced. By entering, all exhibitors agree to abide by the decisions of the judges and the show committee. Official show rules can be obtained from TICA, PO Box 2984, Harlingen, TX 78851 or www.tica.org
Entry Fees:
1 cat – 1 day | 340 DKK | |
2 cats – 1 day | 650 DKK | |
3 cats – 1 day | 900 DKK | |
Hereafter each following cat 1 day | 300 DKK | |
1 cat – 2 days | 600 DKK | |
2 cats – 2 days | 1.100 DKK | |
3 cats – 2 days | 1.565 DKK | |
Hereafter each following cat 2 days | 475 DKK | |
3in1 Special 2 days | 1.450 DKK | |
Groomingspace and cat alone in doublecage is not available at this show. | ||
Members of Viking Cats get a discount of 10% off the entry fee. | ||
Club Cage for rent pr day (for a single cage 70*70*70 cm) | 75 DKK | |
Exhibition only (only in cage with an entry) pr. cat pr. day | 150 DKK | |
Regional Fund (per exhibitor) | 20 DKK | |
Printed Catalog (if you do not request a printed catalog, we will not print one for you, and you will only get an electronic copy (PDF File) during Friday before the show, send by email) | 50 DKK |